Upcoming Events from The Hire Effect
THE Proof – Making Assessments (MEMBERS ONLY)
How do you make sure you aren't making a gut call when you hire. How do you get the proof that your intuition is on? THE Proof is the science of The Hire Effect. You'll learn how to make assessments that are backed up with evidence a candidate is THE Right Fit... or not. Attendees […]
FemPreneur Summit
Enjoy a day of inspiration, relationship-building and tips for building your SELF and your BUSINESS, designed by FemPreneurs for FemPreneurs About this Event Participants will enjoy a day of inspiration, relationship-building and tips for building your SELF and your BUSINESS, with access to more than 15 panelists, a robust Resource Marketplace and women like you, […]
The Art of Interviewing (MEMBERS ONLY)
Founder and Chief Facilitator at The Hire Effect, Miche Rayment, will work with attendees to provide tips and techniques for conducting the best interviews. Learning the Art of Interviewing can save you a great deal of hemming and hawing when it comes to what questions to ask, how long to pause for an answer, how […]
Introduction to The Hire Effect
Hiring should be a process every small business does well. It’s critical for stability and growth. The Hire Effect (THE) is a training company that teaches small business leaders and their teams how to hire for a great cultural and skills match every time. In this introductory web based conversation you will see the basics […]
Mock Interview and Proof Practice (MEMBERS ONLY)
You've learned some great tactics for interviewing. You've figured out what you are looking for. Now let's practice. Miche Rayment will be interviewing a candidate live for members to attend and practice watching and listening for THE Right Fit. We'll have a lively discussion about what we observed and see all kinds of things that […]
Bless and Release Candidates You Love
We’ve all totally fallen for one of the candidates we’re interviewing but know in our heart of hearts that there was something that just didn’t quite fit. Following through and hiring someone we think will fit and finding out later that we really shouldn’t have can cost thousands and thousands of dollars. Attend this call […]
Onboarding and Performance Reviews (MEMBERS ONLY)
Once you've got your new hire chosen, how do you make sure they have the best start possible? How do you really connect your employees to what you care about - a healthy culture and good results? The Hire Effect founder will be presenting tools and processes that will help you make sure your new […]
2018 Merit Member Conference
The technological, infrastructure, policy and security landscapes are changing more quickly than businesses and nonprofits can keep pace. In what ways can we anticipate our future networking, enterprise security, staffing and hardware/software needs to reduce business risk and optimize resources during this era of great, and sometimes uncertain, opportunities? Attracting, Hiring and Retaining Talent for […]
An Unconventional Hiring Team (MEMBERS ONLY)
It doesn’t matter how big your company is, your hiring team can be reliable and highly effective IF you get the right people on board and give them the right tools. Founder and chief facilitator for The Hire Effect™, Miche Rayment, will present a different way to think about hiring teams. She’ll help you to […]
The Enlightened Leader (MEMBERS ONLY)
In this hour founder and chief facilitator for The Hire Effect, Miche Rayment, will help business owners and operators figure out how to get the most out of their hiring process and spend less time doing it. Enlightened leaders are visionaries and should be focused on pointing the way to a bright future not toting […]