The Talent Attraction Silver Bullet

The Talent Attraction Silver Bullet

The most common hiring problem I hear from business leaders is how hard it is to find talent. Usually the conversation is heavily weighted with complaints about the poor quality of choices in the talent pool and how things need to change to make these people easier to...
Hiring Team | We Think We Are Coordinating

Hiring Team | We Think We Are Coordinating

In a coffee shop last week I asked three random people for their definition of integrity. They all played along. Suited guy, “Doing what you say you are going to do.”   Brightly colored hair lady, “Being honest.”   Serious looking lady, “Choosing to do the right...
Some Guy Can Make Your Rock-stars Quit

Some Guy Can Make Your Rock-stars Quit

If you hire “some guy” and it doesn’t work out, be ready to accept responsibility and hold yourself accountable the way the rock-stars on your team would… or they are going to leave. The Reality of Hiring Some Guy “I’ll never just hire “some guy” again. Every time I...
Excuse me. You want me to ask who to help?

Excuse me. You want me to ask who to help?

Don’t have confidence hiring? These people can help. For many business leaders spending the time to find and interview people is time begrudgingly spent and a bit of a crap shoot. It’s hard. What do you do when things get hard? You buckle down and get help. Benefits...
Are You an Enlightened Leader? Probably Not.

Are You an Enlightened Leader? Probably Not.

Are you an open person? Well, of course! We’ve all learned not to ask closed-ended questions like that in interviews. The right answer is obvious and gets us nothing in the way of knowing the candidate better. But just how truthful are we with ourselves when we ask...
Finding Talent | Where the Heck Are They?!

Finding Talent | Where the Heck Are They?!

“They just aren’t here in Michigan.” “When we find someone even close to what we need, we are racing to the finish with a minimum of five other possible employers.” “I am desperate!” Unfortunately, desperation for talent often leads to bad hiring decisions. We’ve all...